The Story Of Source

Natural spring salts are formed when rock salt, found underground, is dissolved by hot water coming from fault fractures and emerges as salty natural spring water. The world’s highest quality salts are natural spring salts, and there are only a limited number of natural salt pans. Mayi Salt comes from one of these rare natural spring salt pans and is produced entirely with the support of nature.
This unique salt, which dates back 225 million years, has undergone a long journey to reach your table. During the time of the Tethys Sea, which covered Anatolia, salt rocks accumulated underground as the Earth took its current shape. These rocks, located in the Delice region of Kırıkkale today, have preserved their naturalness for millions of years in a hidden location.
Now, this salt is formed by hot water melting the salt rocks and collecting red soil minerals, preserving its flavor and naturalness. It completes its long journey by adding flavor to your life.
This rare spring salt contains 84 different minerals, including those essential for the body, and is known for having one of the highest mineral contents among all salt types. Additionally, it contains no insoluble substances like sediments or silica.